IICCI Flagship events stand out as the highlights on our calendar, showcasing the diverse sectors of interest to our Members and Community. These events serve as platforms to explore and strengthen the extensive connections between the Indo-Italian business, institutional, and cultural environments. In addition to the numerous events organized by IICCI, our Flagship Events hold a special place, offering unique opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration. At these prestigious gatherings, we can experience the vibrant Indo-Italian synergy firsthand.
All'IICCI organizziamo una vasta gamma di eventi durante tutto l'anno: dai corsi di lingua italiana ai webinar e ai webmaster, dai workshop alle tavole rotonde tecniche, conferenze e seminari, dalle degustazioni enogastronomiche alle promozioni e mostre di prodotti, dagli incontri di lavoro ai roadshow promozionali … e molto altro ancora !!
- lun 07 aprScalo Milano Outlet & More
- 19th Mar 2025 - Timing to be decidedKolkata
- RSVP chiuseven 28 marVentura Gallery, Hyderabad
- RSVP chiusegio 20 marVirtual Event
- RSVP chiuselun 17 marVirtual Event
- RSVP chiusemer 12 marProvincia di Parma
- RSVP chiusegio 16 genVirtual Event
- RSVP chiusegio 09 genDiva - The Italian Restaurant
- RSVP chiusemar 17 dicVirtual Event
- RSVP chiusegio 12 dicVirtual Event
- RSVP chiuseven 22 novVirtual Event
- RSVP chiusemar 19 novVirtual Event
- RSVP chiusemer 23 ottVirtual Event
- RSVP chiusesab 19 ottVIVITALIA in Mumbai
- RSVP chiusemer 16 ottWebinar on Zoom
- RSVP chiusemar 15 ottVIVITALIA in Mumbai
- RSVP chiuselun 29 lugVirtual Event
- RSVP chiusemer 17 lugVirtual Event