In India, there is a huge interest in developing Smart Sustainable Cities. To tackle the problems of megacities the several States of India are looking after Italy and its urbanization pattern based on small scale cities, comfortable, sustainable and liveable with all the relevant services (Hospitals, Schools, etc.) and an industrial district nearby the urban area to minimize the need of mobility.
Smart Cities Mission by the Government of India is a program aiming to drive economic growth and improve the quality of life of people by enabling local development and harnessing technology as a means to create smart outcomes for citizens. The scope is to develop 100 cities across the country making them citizen-friendly and sustainable.
After 7 years of experience, we gained the awareness that the promotion of Italian companies providing solutions in the different verticals of smart cities by the mean of conventional methods (fairs, exhibition, B2B, etc) is important but not sufficient. Several Italian companies have been approaching the Indian market individually, only a few of them have been successful. A systematic approach is strictly required.
Now the scenario keeps on changing. In the last two years, our Chamber has been interacting with many State Governments and Authorities. In these meetings an important awareness is gained: there is a concrete interest for an Indo-Italian smart city project provided certain conditions met.
The pillars of the strategy proposed by the IICCI are:
Concentrating the resources in one flagship project to be launched in cooperation with a State Government and the support of Italian institutions;
Presenting an organized group of partners.
Italian companies have a huge potential in all sectors and verticals of Smart Sustainable Cities: urban planning, engineering, innovative construction systems, green building materials, energy, water/waste management technologies, mobility, smart technologies.
The challenge of presenting an effective proposal for a smart city project requires:
Companies and Academies(to provide with enabling technologies in different verticals)
Project Management Consulting(to plan and lead the implementation process)
Investors(to co-fund specific projects within an overall plan)
SMEs (to set up a small Italian district in India)
This is the reason why the IICCI is promoting “Italy4cities”.
“Italy4cities” Smart Sustainable City competence center aims to organize and promote the Italian companies and universities interested to realize a Smart Sustainable City project in India.
Why joining “Italy4cities”: benefits
“Italy4cities”, Smart Sustainable City competence centre provides organizations with the following benefits:
Multiplying the opportunities of presentation
Accrediting the idea of a “Sistema Italia” offer
Sharing promotional costs
Supporting the company presentation with multimedia tools (video, etc)
Promoting the offer system under the umbrella of Italian institutions
Increasing the visibility of each company 365 days per year and PAN India
The opportunity of presenting know-how, products and solutions in India in events organized by the IICCI
Increasing the number of introductions to State Government authorities supported by the IICCI
and, above all:
Getting an option to be involved by the IICCI in an Indo Italian Smart City project (in the event of negotiation with State Government bodies)
Upcoming & Past Events
- Thu, 29 OctWebinar29 Oct 2020, 10:00 CETWebinar
- Thu, 22 OctWebinar22 Oct 2020, 10:00 CESTWebinar