Pasta is the most common and beloved dish of Italy. There are approximately 350 different pasta types produced worldwide. Italy is home to thousands of types of pasta, from well-known quills and tubes to unusual shapes handmade from region to region.
Pasta is categorised as Stuffed and Non-Stuffed Pasta. Stuffed Pasta is always prepared fresh from the dough whereas Non-Stuffed Pasta can be dry as well as fresh.
Pasta from north Italy is often made with soft wheat flour, which grows primarily in the northern regions. Since soft wheat flour is low in protein, the addition of eggs is required to bind the dough together, resulting in silky, golden sheets of pasta.
The meeting point between the north and the south, central Italy produces pasta that is made with either flour and eggs or flour and water. Diversity can be seen the most here and pasta recipes vary greatly.
Pasta varieties of southern Italy are usually made with durum wheat flour and water. Also known as semolina flour, durum wheat flour, only grows in central and south Italy.